
Thank you for your interest in contributing to Tattercoats Magazine! By appearing in our magazine, you have a unique opportunity to promote your work. Since all issues will be archived, people can continue to view your featured work, even after the issue has been released. 

Tattercoats Magazine is a digital bi-annual magazine. We feature all kinds of creations and talent, such as illustrators, photographers, Etsy shops, musicians, reviews, interviews, and writing of all kinds, like fiction, poetry and non-fiction. We would love to have the opportunity to see your work, so please don't hesitate to email us.

Everything we accept for our magazine will reflect our magazine's style or personality (refer to the About Us page) and follow along with the present issue's theme. 

If you would like to submit your work for a chance to appear in one of our issues, please scroll down and fine your niche with the appropriate directions.

Current Issue:

Image by Phatpuppy

All submissions are due May 17th, 2011.

*As a general rule, we will get back to you in about two weeks. If you don't hear from us within that time, assume we are lost in the forest and send us a flare (reminder). We'll thank you for guiding us back home.

When you were born, a great feast was held in celebration and people of all walks of life were invited to the castle. Fairies were invited, too. One fairy in particular, dressed in lavender and gold, looked into your eyes and saw someone who would spend their days dreaming of people and places woven from light and color and shadow. Therefore, she gave you the gift of a steady hand and a detailed memory, so you could set those dreams on paper.

Send us those dreams. We'll accept digital copies of illustrations only. Illustrations should ideally be high resolution (300 dpi) and no larger than 8.5 x 11 inches. Please check the issue's theme before submitting, to ensure that your work will find a proper home. In addition, please send a link to your portfolio, website, or blog as well, so that readers will be able to find more about you and your work.

Email illustrations to (with the subject line "Issue BLANK, Illustrations").

The Tattercoats girl or boy believes that there is magic in the real world. We believe in capturing that magic and sharing it with others, to help warm them on a cold winter's night or clear away clouds that hide a starry summer sky. 

Have you captured some of this magic on film? Let us know -- send us digital copies of your photographs or a link to your work. Photos should ideally follow the theme of the issue and be of high-quality. Email submissions to (with the subject line "Issue BLANK, Photography").

We love, love, love people who can use their hands to create amazing things. Maybe that's too vague. Perhaps we are impressed with mugs painted to catch rainbows in the afternoon. Maybe we like admiring prints and lace doilies. We're just plain impressed. Tattercoats Magazine would like to see what you've got; be mindful of what the upcoming issue's theme is and see if your work matches up in some way.

Send us a link to your Etsy store and its description, a brief biography, and some kind of web address where we may find more information about you and/or your crafting at (with the subject line "Issue BLANK, Esty Shop").

Here at Tattercoats, we love to get lost in music. Maybe it's the way the lyrics lift up above ourselves, or how the haunting or electric chords send our toes tapping when we least expect it. Please carefully read the themes of our upcoming issue, and if you feel your music matches up, send us an email.

Send us your music (a link to it so we can listen, or otherwise), a brief biography, and some kind of web address where we may find more information about you and/or your music at (with the subject line "Issue BLANK, Music").

We are looking for writers from all genres and styles. We love flash fiction, short stories, and nonfiction pieces. Tell us about that time you wrestled with an octopus and won a gold tooth. Share with us the story of how your grandfather invented liquorice. Okay? Or just tell us briefly and with sharp words about how you felt when you devoured your first cinnamon roll. As long as you stick with the theme of the issue in some way, we love creativity and honesty of voice. Larger works should be no longer than 6,000 words

Send us your story, state whether it is fiction or nonfiction, a brief biography, and some kind of web address where we may find more information about you and/or your writing at (with the subject line "Issue BLANK, Fiction/Nonfiction").

Poetry would be a wonderful addition to the magazine. We encourage all kinds of poetry, including series of poems, so long as they tie into the issue's theme in some way. Remember that we only accept previously unpublished poems.

Send us your poem(s), a brief biography, and some kind of web address where we may find more information about you and/or your writing at (with the subject line "Issue BLANK, Poetry").

Tattercoats Magazine would be delighted to include many forms of collaborative works for our issues. When we say "collaborative," we mean that two or more people have worked on a particular project. The collaboration can be involving any of the genres above, or something entirely new. An example of a collaboration would be a comic. Remember that, if you do submit this kind of work, it will need to have some relation to the theme of the issue you are submitting to. Length depends on type of project, but we're sure you'll be courteous enough not to send us a manuscript-length collaboration. Thank you in advance. 

With the subject line as "Issue BLANK, Collaboration," email us a sample of your work and a brief explanation at